Making history come to life: “The Glassworker,” Pakistan’s first manually drawn anti-war movie
‘The Glassworker’ is a groundbreaking animated film that marks a significant milestone in Pakistan’s cinematic history. Released on July 26, 2024, this hand-drawn anti-war film tells a poignant story of a young man and his father, a skilled glassblower, whose lives are forever changed when war erupts and an army colonel and his violinist daughter arrive in their town. The film’s creator, Usman Riaz, a talented musician and artist, has poured his heart and soul into this project, which was produced under the banner of Mano Animation Studio, founded by Riaz in 2015.
‘The Glassworker’ is not only Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animated feature film but also the country’s first fully-orchestrated movie, boasting a rich and evocative soundtrack that perfectly complements the film’s powerful narrative. The movie tackles complex anti-war themes, exploring the intricate web of relationships and the devastating impact of conflict on people’s lives. Riaz drew inspiration from the acclaimed Studio Ghibli and his own experiences growing up in a post-9/11 Pakistan, where he witnessed firsthand the ravages of war and violence.
Through ‘The Glassworker’, Riaz aims to convey a message of hope and resilience, highlighting the importance of human connection and empathy in the face of adversity. The film’s stunning animation, coupled with its thought-provoking storyline, makes it a must-watch for audiences worldwide. As Pakistan’s first hand-drawn anti-war film, ‘The Glassworker’ is a testament to the country’s growing animation industry and its potential to produce world-class content that resonates with global audiences.