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Benjamin Netanyahu Must Resign

Dr. Maqsood Jafri

Today the Editor of National Newsletter has posted on his Facebook page about the demanded resign of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu by the Israelis. Being a humanitarian, I feel incumbent to briefly comment on the views of some people on this posted news. The hardliner Zionists have
commented that Benjamin Netanyahu is a great leader of Israel and he must not resign and complete the ethnic holy mission of the civilians of Gaza. According to them it is a sacred mission to eliminate all Muslims of Palestine and God has assigned this sacred duty to him. While there are the moderate Jews in Israel who are protesting against the inhumane policies of Benjamin Netanyahu and demanding the end of war and asking for peaceful ways to get their hostages released and immediately stop genocide of the civilians of Gaza demanding the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu.

On the other hand, the Muslims have rebuked the fascist policies of Benjamin Netanyahu and have condemned his nefarious and inhumane act of destroying Gaza and killing innocent Palestinians. They call him a war criminal and the Hitler of this era. They demand him to be punished as a war criminal. He has exploited the racial and religious sentiments of the people of Israel to infinity to gain political benefits. He is blackmailing the Jews and instilling in them hatred against the Palestinians to grind the axe. There are some Christians as well who have supported him but the majority of the Christians have strongly condemned and cursed him for his inhumane acts and genocide in Gaza and demanded his resignation and capital punishment for him. Recently an Irish Parliamentarian while addressing in the parliament strongly condemned the fascist policies of Benjamin Netanyahu. He abhorred the genocide of the civilians of Gaza. In his very outrageous speech he thrice announced:” Benjamin Netanyahu will straight go to Hell for his atrocious deeds.”

After reading the comments of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims, I felt my human and moral duty to comment on this issue for the betterment of humanity and seeking the amicable solution of the dispute. As I oppose hate speech and hate writings, my attempt is absolutely based on the sincere quest of peace and in the large interest of the Jews and the Muslims. They are humans and we must deal with them as humans.
Without any prejudice, I suggest that Israel must implement UN Resolution of Two State Formula and honor OSLO pact. The International Court of Justice has also asked Benjamin Netanyahu to immediately end war in Gaza and stop the genocide of the Palestinians.

This man has put UN Resolution, OSLO Pact and the judgement of International Court into dust bin and is indiscriminately shedding the blood of the civilians of Gaza. A great poet of the sub- continent Mirza Ghalib had said that some persons do not turn into dust after death, rather they sprout like red tulips and roses. Indirectly, he was insinuating that the martyrs do not die and their blood leaves impeccable impact and the future impetus of the sacrifices dazzles the eyes of history. The blood shed of the innocent civilians of Gaza will not go waste. Blood is not water, which is colorless and smell-less.

Blood is blood. It has color and smell. I salute those Jews who are protesting against the atrocities of Israeli fascist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for committing unprecedented atrocities on the innocent civilians of Gaza. They say that Benjamin Netanyahu is a fascist and he has put the lives of all the Jews at stake in the whole world. He is a Zionist. He is a murderer. The day is not far, when the Palestinians will get power and chance and muster their military strength to strike back with all might. If it happens, it will be again a shocking point for all the lovers of peace and humanity, when the Jews will be attacked as today the Muslims are being attacked. No lover of humanity would ever appreciate or accept bloodbath of any nation. A poet says that the wounds are healed but they leave scars.

The scars remind the wounds. Will the coming generations of the Palestinians ever forget what the present fascist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu is doing with them. He is on the wrong side of history. Nations can never be obliterated. Recently in a video, a Muslim is shown burying his three sons, who were killed by Israeli bombshell In Gaza. While addressing their dead bodies he says: “ When you meet the Holy Prophet, do complaint against the Muslims that they did not come to save us from the stranglehold of the aggressors.” Is this scene not heartbreaking? Are theses people not humans? The Zionists think that they will expand their regime to all Muslim countries by their expansionist designs.

The Manifesto of Greater Israel, given by Theodore Herzl is known as “ An Island named Zion: The Political Theory of Herzl”. The Zionists dream to conquer all Muslim countries. They think it as their religious obligation. They have already economically and politically controlled the Western countries. They crucified Jesus Christ. The Muslims did not crucify Jesus, as they did not exist at the time of Jesus. As a humanist, I strongly appeal to the wiser sections of Israel to throw away all religious maniacs and political swindlers out of the field of politics through democratic means and promote moderate politicians to establish peace in the Middle East. Better this tug of war be immediately stopped and seek peaceful solution and mutual harmony. The rulers of some countries who are supporting the fascist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu are shortsighted and prejudiced. They are inviting Third World War.

If the world wants peace, then Israel must adhere to international law and Benjamin Netanyahu must resign. He must be jailed, punished and let moderate and wise Jews replace him. Better the Israelis come out from the fetters of the Zionists and bank on moderate Jews. In it lies the safety of the parties concerned.
Some American senators have said that any speech or writing or plea against Israel should be made unlawful as it comes under hate speech/ writing. I am astonished on such statements by responsible people. Who is against Israel? No one. There is not a single Muslim who says finish Israel or obliterate Israel. The Muslims all over the world including Palestinians have accepted the UN resolution of Two State Fomula. Though, it is a hard nut to crack for them and a bitter pill to swallow.

For centuries it is called “ Palestine; not Israel. For the sake of peace, the Palestinians accepted the state of the Jewish immigrants and aligns. Their sacrifices are not appreciated by such senators who have closed their eyes on the incessant persecution of the civilians of Gaza. The image of America as a country that stands for democracy, humanity and justice must be maintained. Are such senators going to tarnish the image of America further? Instead of supporting, suggesting and promoting the acts of genocide by the fascist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu, they should demand his resignation and support a moderate, humanitarian and democratic government.

The UN Charter and American Constitution permit freedom of expression, speech and writing. In my opinion, no one should speak or write against any religion, country or nation and we must respect the entity and flag of all nations. But we have all rights to criticize the fascist regimes and support democracy, peace, justice and humanity. When the protesters are peacefully rallying worldwide against the fascist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu, they chant the following slogans:” End War”, “ Stop Genocide”.

“ Free Palestine”. Are these slogans against Israel or against the fascist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu? Are these slogans against UN resolutions? Are these slogans against humanity, democracy or human rights? Then why theses peaceful processions and protests are being attacked by the police? Even in Israel, the moderate and democratic minded Jews have protested on roads against the inhumane policies of their Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and were thrashed out by the fascist regime. Are these Israelis against their own motherland Israel? Not at all. I suggest the American senators who are thinking to make such laws which will throttle and strangle human rights and human liberties, these lawmakers should make laws to save humanity.

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